Misinformation is the enemy of progressive change and social improvement. And unfortunately, there is a LOT of misinformation about gender confirmation surgery. “They need therapy, not surgery!” “I don’t want to pay for that.” “It’s not like it’s life or death.” These ideas aren’t helping anyone. In fact, they’re harmful to many. So let’s clear up a few misconceptions.

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Parties can be profoundly dangerous places, especially for women. But men attempting to be a good ally to women can quickly devolve into some paternalistic “white knighting” that can easily recreate the very systems of power and oppression that we’re looking to undermine. So how can men prevent sexual violence and act as allies to women at parties?

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A dinner set-up: A white plate with a heart-shaped pillow on it, a fork and knife tied up with a red ribbon, against a wooden table

Dear partner, I understand that you don’t understand what it’s like to have an eating disorder, and I know that you’re not trying to trigger me. But if you really want this relationship to work, we’re going to need to talk about my eating disorder recovery. Because eating disorder recovery affects all aspects of a person’s life, and I need you to work with me on this.

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Want to know why reverse oppression can’t exist? You’ll have to get out of the dictionary and into understanding the nuances of people’s lived experiences. Here’s what you need to know about oppression: what it is, what it isn’t, and what makes it a special problem. The very nature of oppression won’t allow reverse oppression to exist. Read on to learn why.

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Ever heard the phrase “no homo?” It’s used today by speakers who want to make sure everyone present knows that they aren’t attracted to the same-sex. Think that sounds ridiculous and homophobic? YouTuber Franchesca Leigh thinks so, too! Watch this satirical video where she proposes other absurd linguistic qualifiers! Got some of your own? Let us know!

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Any exclusion can be painful and dangerous for LGBTQIA+ folks, but to be excluded in the workplace is especially damaging. As the boss, it’s your responsibility to make sure that this place where your employees spend so much of their time is a nontoxic environment — especially for those in the LGBTQIA+ community. Here are some practical tips on how to do this.

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At one point during this year’s Oscars ceremony, it dawned on me: Many people don’t know the difference between trans women and drag queens! There seems to be an assumption that all people assigned male at birth who grow up to wear clothing from the women’s section identify the same way. That couldn’t be further from the truth. So let’s talk about this difference.

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