When I began my own transition, of course, homelessness lingered as a fear in the back of my mind. I’d watched too many trans women be run out of their jobs under suspicious circumstances and subsequently struggle to find another job to believe I was entirely immune to the possibility.

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The patriarchy harms all people, regardless of gender identity, sex, or sexual orientation, by perpetuating oppressive and limiting gender roles, the gender binary, transphobia and cissexism, sexual assault, and the political and economic subordination of women. Watch Marina Watanabe discuss the pervasive and intricate ways patriarchy violates us all.

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(Trigger warning: Rape) Check out this TED Talk by activist Tony Porter about how the expectations of masculinity and restrictive gender roles lead to disrespect of and violence against women. He shares powerful stories from different points in his life and encourages men to act outside of the narrow box that society places them in.

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Male allies are extremely important and valuable to the feminist movement! They use their positions of privilege to further the cause in ways that women can’t, and for that we’re grateful. That said, there are a few trends in male feminist behavior that could definitely stand to change. Watch Melissa A. Fabello give a few tongue-in-cheek reminders to male feminists.

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Racialized sexism sneaks into spaces that claim to have the best interests of women and People of Color at heart. Dealing with racialized sexism means dealing with the fact that every person holds multiple political and social identities that blend and intersect. Therefore, assuming that all experiences of sexism are just variations of the same thing is a mistake.

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Negative attitudes toward women make it difficult for us to break into male-dominated fields, and sometimes our fear of living up to gender stereotypes makes it difficult to see ourselves being successful where it seems like we don’t belong. Breaking into a male-dominated field is not impossible; staying in it is the real challenge.

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On average, women in the US are still paid considerably less than men. This we know. But the reasons for the wage gap are, apparently, still up for debate. Plenty of people will try to argue that the reason is not actually sexism — that the real reason is that they don’t ask for raises. This comic by Lefty Cartoons puts this distraction to rest.

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As Black women in America, we’ve been taught that aspects of our physical self are unacceptable in their natural forms. As such, they should be relegated to the privacy of our bathrooms — or better yet, transformed into tamed, relaxed, and otherwise invisible alternatives. And our transition to invisibility for the sake of appropriateness spans a lifetime.

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Women and feminine looking people are perpetually exposed sexist harassment in public spaces. Too often, that violence goes unrecognized, which turns leaving the house into an arduous experience for so many. This comic illustrates the pervasiveness of rape culture, holds men accountable for disrupting it, and suggests strategies for them to speak out.

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