There are all sorts of ways to be a feminist in today’s world. If we erased all the ways in which we are different, we would lose so much strength in the movement. We won’t end sexism without addressing all oppressions; we can’t work together until we agree that none of us are free until we’re all free. But how can we work together at this point?

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Person looking directly at camera, against a gray background

The body positivity movement has made great strides in helping bodies of all shapes feel loved, cherished, and acceptable. But what does it mean when major media outlets create lists of body image heroines and virtually every woman listed is white? In this article, Sonya Renee Taylor details the racist undertones that have caused the movement to overlook and neglect her and other black women’s body-loving activism for far too long.

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It’s important to let people know when they say or do something racist, but too often we end up telling people they ARE racist instead. This allows them to deflect accountability for their words and focus on defending their character. In this video, Jay Smooth offers strategies and metaphors for how to call people in for their racist actions in a constructive way.

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