A person scratches their head in confusion

Men can make positive contributions to feminism, but are there drawbacks to celebrating men just for calling themselves feminists? This author grappled with his own relationship to feminism as he wondered what it means to hold feminist men accountable. Find out how he learned that contributing to the movement means so much more than just calling himself a feminist.

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While it’s great that more people are identifying as feminist, I’m also bored with claims that feminism is the notion that women are people or a belief in equality – and nothing more. I’m not interested in a feminism that’s not grounded in the hard work of dismantling oppression. Because we don’t need a feminism that’s trendy — we need one that’s transformative.

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I write this to speak to transgender men who love, desire, and have sex with other men (cis and trans). I write to you with a request. It is not common to discuss the homophobia that exists within our trans men and queer boi communities, especially among those of us who are of color. So brothers, please let’s talk about it now before it’s too late.

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There’s a midpoint between the lazy and feminist portions of my brain that wants to say, “This thing is feminist because I like it.” But I can’t do that. Because then I wouldn’t have to be critical. This is the problem I have with centering conversations around whether something is feminist: It’s the wrong question to be asking about feminism.

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American media has a history of ignoring the marginalized in our society, including America’s poor. “But wait! I can think of an example!” Perhaps you can. But unfortunately, media representation isn’t enough; diverse and accurate media representation is essential. Here are four examples of cliche representations of poor people that don’t fit that bill.

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