What we need while recovering from an eating disorder is real-life, real-time support. But the fear of being judged or written off as “narcissistic” or “self-absorbed” or being told to “just start eating normally and get over it,” forces too many people into silence and too afraid and ashamed to seek help. And silence is the least helpful thing you can put in your recovery toolbox.

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From magazines plastered with the latest stars’ weight gain, to diet ads featuring people grabbing and pinching their flesh, the message is clear: “Fat is bad and you better do something about it.” The way people justify this contempt is bringing up concerns about “health” and individual responsibility explanations. But these explanations fall flat. Here’s why.

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Editor’s Note: While this comic asks people to avoid trivializing mental illnesses, it’s also true that self-diagnosis is often the first step towards seeking mental healthcare. For more information on the usefulness of self-diagnosis, please see this article.   To learn more, check out: 5 Unhelpful Things People Say to Trivialize Mental Health Issues A…

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Sometimes I feel like we’re living our entire lives and viewing our whole world through a camera lens – including ourselves. And yet, on the bright side, I also see it as an interesting opportunity to reclaim your self-image. I think that if you go with it, you can actually use things like selfies as tools to improve your body image – and your overall self-esteem.

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If you want to make your disability known, go ahead! It’s a really important part of our lives and you should feel proud to embrace it. If you want to pass, rock on! It’s nice not to have to deal with ableist BS once in a while. No matter what you decide, remember that your disability doesn’t define you – online or offline.

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I lived a very long time with the belief that my body was my enemy. I believed it had betrayed me, swallowed me up, and that the real me was deep down somewhere inside. Because I was a girl, self-hatred was part of my cultural inheritance. My life began when I stopped trying to lose weight and set my mind to losing hate. Because I only get one body, and I will fight for it, not against it.

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There isn’t a person on this planet who can say that they have never reacted on pure emotion when it may have been more appropriate to first take a deep breath and to calm down before reacting. But that takes a certain skill set that most of us haven’t yet mastered. Here are a few helpful acronyms to remember and to practice as we find the best ways to handle our emotions.

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The world can be an exhausting place. We’re often told to do self-care “stuff” as if it was easy or as if they were enough to undo a day’s worth of stress. But at the same time, when you give and give, there will be nothing left if you don’t put something back. So here are ways to think about self-care that will work for you so you’ll have the energy to show up fully in your life.

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