Under the supposed context of “humor” and “media entertainment,” Dwarfs are the recipients of invasive and xenophobic bullying, assault, violence, marginalization, and ridicule. Not only is this demeaning and dehumanizing, it’s the sort of socially ignored oppression that compromises the safety, well-being, and economic access of an entire group of people.

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How do you feel when you hear “one size fits all?” Excitement? Dread? The truth is, so many of us don’t fit, and then it’s one more reason to feel bad about our bodies. So if you don’t fit, don’t feel bad. Catch this video with women of varying body types trying on these clothes to remember that you’re not alone – and have some laughs while you’re at it.

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Fatphobia is so rampantly internalized that many people justify their attraction to fat people by comparing them to non-human objects. It turns the possibility of mutual desire and appreciation into fetish. In this spoken word performance, Samantha Peterson rejects the dehumanizing nuance of supposedly metaphorical compliments and reclaims her body’s agency, humanity, and beauty.

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