Gay black men may feel a lack of inclusion from both the mainstream (predominantly white) LGBTQ community and the mainstream (predominantly straight) black community. Some can feel like they are welcomed in neither community. As members of the black community, we can help offset this lack of inclusion by acknowledging the following challenges and understanding how to combat them.

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In this spoken word poem, Ela Barton suggests that the hateful sentiment behind Arizona’s SB 1070 law is a frustration about people of color working for themselves and generating inter-community resources, as opposed to subordinately working for white people in positions of power. This policing of race and citizenship protects colonial standards of white supremacy.

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One red figure raising its hand among a group of gray figures

Self-determination – making your own choices – is so important. But let’s be careful about the difference between self-determination from a colonial perspective and how it’s defined in Indigenous struggles. If we don’t, it can be used to actively perpetuate marginalization and hurt disabled people. Here’s how you can take up self-determination in a justice framework.

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In the West, many people view Islam as being inherently oppressive towards women and LGBTQIA+ people. Certainly some Muslim people use their religion to validate their prejudices. But as many Muslim feminists have been saying, while Islam has some such oppressive teachings, it more asks for compassion, acceptance, and love from us. Let’s question this monolithic view of Islam that hurts Muslim women and LGBTQIA+ folks and alienates Muslim feminists.

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A lot of pornography is proudly misogynistic, but it doesn’t have to be like that. There’s no reason a video can’t be sexually explicit and still present women as human beings who have an equal right to sexual desire, pleasure, and satisfaction. There’s no reason that porn can’t present women as sexual collaborators with men rather than as sexual conquests of men.

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“Good fatty” is usually used to describe a fat person who at least believes in the socially constructed viewpoint that their number one goal in life should be losing weight. But upon closer inspection, there are a few “good fatty” archetypes that we, as a society, depend on – all with their own unique purposes in the fat-antagonistic machine. Here are twelve to consider in your activism.

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Two people coming together to form a heart with their hands

The tragic fatal police shooting of drummer Corey Jones is a terrible reminder of how vulnerable your black friends are to racist violence. You could be in a position to make it worse – and these guidelines will help you avoid that.

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