Person with finger held to lips, shushing

What have you heard about transexual people living in “stealth?” Misconceptions about “passing” are common among everyone – including cis and straight folks, LGBQIA+ people, and other trans people. These false ideas undermine the very valid reasons why transexuals make their own choices about how they show up in the world. Here’s an article to help us get it right.

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Sibling sexual abuse is one of the most under-studied family violence issues, but it’s not entirely uncommon. And since the recent Lena Dunham controversy, it’s become a hot topic of debate in feminist circles. Where’s the line between typical experimentation with bodies and sexual abuse? This article sheds some light on the subject, giving you a place to start.

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Talking about race in America can feel dangerous and overwhelming, but it is important work if we want to truly get to a place where all people are treated as equals. And as with all important conversations, it needs to start with our children. Here are five reasons every parent, guardian, and educator should be talking about race with the children they care for.

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Person laying in bed with their hands over their face in frustration

You can probably think of more than a few reasons why the image of the hot, hypersexual Latina is a tired stereotype. Here’s an alarming one: that stereotype forces asexual Latinas to battle dangerous racialized and sexist messages that say their bodies are not their own. Read on for this stunning perspective that gives us more reason to put this myth to rest.

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It seems like every time anti-racism activists speak up about their work, there is some level of pushback claiming that the work is “attacking white people.” But the thing is, that’s just not true. Anti-racism is not against white people. To clarify what anti-racism is really about, here are three things that the movement actually works to dismantle.

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In this beautifully written piece, a young biracial woman sets out to write a letter to her father – a white father to a black daughter. And her heartfelt words are what every white parent of children of color should hear: that race matters, that accountability matters, and that it’s up to you to make sure that you are a part of your child’s understanding of race.

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