I never really used to give much thought to the idea that society needs positive cultural images of minorities until I came to embrace my Hispanic heritage and come out of the closet. When I finally did, it raised the question: Where the hell are the transgender Latinas? Is it true that there really aren’t very many Latina/Hispanic trans women in this country?

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Those who are familiar with the power and pervasiveness of the thin ideal may be surprised by “reverse retouching” – where editors now adding curves and inches to create more voluptuous figures. But there’s nothing new about it. It’s just more illusions to form a new standard of normal for women’s bodies and more unnatural and unachievable beauty ideals for real-life females to fall short of.

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Rape is portrayed as something cis men do to cis women. This myth ignores the stories of too many survivors and protects their perpetrators who don’t identify as such. If we want to fight rape culture and advocate for all survivors, we have to stop gendering rape and upholding stereotypes. This infographic reminds us to support ALL survivors and hold ALL perpetrators accountable.

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While it’s great that more people are identifying as feminist, I’m also bored with claims that feminism is the notion that women are people or a belief in equality – and nothing more. I’m not interested in a feminism that’s not grounded in the hard work of dismantling oppression. Because we don’t need a feminism that’s trendy — we need one that’s transformative.

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Nursing is very much a gender defined industry and one that has historically been dominated by women. And the work force certainly reflects that. I have had to explain why I work as a nurse because people often think that’s not what “real men” do. We need to work to break down this stereotype and value nursing work and nurses of all genders.

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The grim reality is that at least 1 in 4 college women are survivors of sexual violence, and our institutions are not doing enough to stem this terrible tide. It is time that more of us join these committed activists in transforming the culture and climate of our college and university campuses. Whether you’re a parent, a student, or alumni, here are a few ways that you help.

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Last time we checked, liking men does not automatically make someone a woman. And yet, you’ve probably heard a straight woman tell a gay man, “I love how you’re basically one of the girls.” And the microaggressions don’t end there! Check out this hilarious video by Nicola Foti compiling some of the most ridiculous things straight women say to gay men.

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Superhero films are known for their male-centric nature. Women are left sorting through the female characters that we are offered, and boy, is it grim. The common question that comes up when chatting with people about the role of gender in superhero films is: “Well, he is sexy too, isn’t he? It’s unfair to both sexes.” And the answer is yes, it is. But there’s more.

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Constructs of patriarchy arise internally and appear externally every day. For women who are mothers, the back-to-school slam dance can be an opportunity to allow the rigid boundaries of good and bad to loosen. Questioning the authority of constructs of good/bad motherhood requires an ongoing critical reflection of how we are in the world, and how we are with the world. Glue sticks not required.

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The topic of abortion is divisive for most people. Growing up in a culture where abortion is a taboo and illegal means that we don’t develop the vocabulary needed to organize. But how we approach the issue of abortion access with members of communities where speaking openly about abortion has dire consequences is key to change. It isn’t about what you and I believe. It’s about what women need.

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If you’ve ever tried to talk about feminism to anyone, you’ve probably heard this line: “If feminism is really about equality, then why does it only focus on women’s issues? What about men?” Here to dispel some misconceptions about what feminism really means is vlogger Marina Watanabe. Watch her no-nonsense summary of why, no, feminism is not in fact sexist.

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High heels, short skirts, and bold lipstick might look amazing on some women, but those things make me feel vulnerable. Like I’m seeking attention. And for whatever reason, the idea of strangers acknowledging me in a sexual way when I feel like it seems like that’s what I want makes me genuinely uncomfortable. I just happen to feel sexiest in a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt.

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Patriarchy affects how custody battles are eventually ruled – and not because the court is particularly in favor of women. It’s true that mothers are more likely to receive custody of their children in a divorce. But the source of the bias is not in the courts – it’s in the marriage. So if we want to change the role of fathers in divorce, we must first address the roles of fathers in the home.

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The premise is that women are their own worst enemies, focusing on their worst physical qualities. A sketch artist draws them based on their descriptions, then redraws them based on the description of others. When they see the side-by-side comparison, they realize that they’re more beautiful than they thought. That may sound inspiring, but it doesn’t work for a number of reasons. Here are five.

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Do you feel stuck? At rock bottom? You’re not alone. Many people with big goals can’t seem to figure out how to make their dreams come true and are told that they’re not good enough. So here’s some empowering strategies for overcoming obstacles, facing your fears, and moving on to a fuller, freer life based on my work with formerly incarcerated women who built meaningful lives after prison.

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Recently, an acquaintance invited me to a party. “It’s just for women and we will have a male stripper, but you can come since you’re gay.” I politely declined. Black, gay, and recently married are just a few of my identities. Identities are constantly changing and are largely self-created. Allies need to fully understand, respect, and encourage this belief.

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If you spend any time on the Internet, you’ve likely participated in the conversation about weight and body image. “Lose weight and look great!” “Love your body just the way it is!” I find both messages tiresome. Where in this “conversation” is there room for individuals to have their own feelings, independent of what other women (and men) insist is the “correct” way to think about one’s body?

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As a woman, you may feel like the world is flooding your mental inbox with constant messages of how to think, feel, and behave. And as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, it may seem as though everyone feels entitled to comment on your “lifestyle” as well. People have some rigid ideas of how both women and gay people should go about their lives. You don’t have to listen to a word of them.

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There is something else lurking below the surface that is making things even tougher for women to get – and stay – elected. And it’s hiding behind a friendly grin: that casual comment about the outfit she’s wearing or that mention of her hairstyle. Simply put: Discuss a female candidate’s appearance in the media, and you steal some of her political credibility.

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