I watched her heels walk into the living room, where she deposited me on the floor. She straddled me, put her face close to mine. It isn’t supposed to be something that happens to men, and certainly not by women. People don’t whistle at me from cars or assume I’m weak. I did the wrong thing by not talking about my experience when it happened, for the same reasons many people never come forward.

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Hank Green knows we all want to be appreciated, but he wants you to know that initial attraction isn’t really based in reality. And he’s worried about young women basing their self-worth on whether they appeal to guys, especially since that seems to be how the world is set up. So hear him out in this video where he discusses love at first sight and its nonsense.

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(TW: threats of rape, violence, stalking.) If you aren’t a woman who’s vocal about feminist issues on the Internet, you may not be aware of how severely they are harassed. And plenty of people still deny that the issue is serious. Check out this video to see for yourself some of the hate-filled threats that women with opinions get on a day-to-day basis.

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There are people who identify as feminists who try to exclude trans women from any feminist discussion or space, claiming that “there’s so much more to being a woman than wearing a dress or having some surgery.” But that line of thinking reminds us of another group — and it’s not a very flattering comparison. Check out this comic to see how trans-exclusionary logic plays out!

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I see and fight bigotry on a daily basis, but I’ve always wanted to know why. Why is our structure this way? Why are women singled out for body shame? Why are fat people bullied to the point of suicide? Why have we learned to hate ourselves? How did we get here? We all deserve to live in a world full of truth and acceptance. So allow me to enlighten you.

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There is a social conundrum for women in which speaking one’s opinion openly and flatly can be considered “un-ladylike.” Since every person and situation is different, only you will be able to decide what works in your life. But if you’re ever in a position where you feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed speaking up, here are a few suggestions that I hope can help.

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Person with their hand up as if saying "Stop"

This author, like so many of us who spend our time fighting sexism, was charged with wanting to be a victim. Is it true? We do often seek to acknowledge the horrifying truth of how our culture mistreats women and other marginalized folks. But that doesn’t mean you’re “playing the victim.” Here’s some affirmation of how far that is from the truth.

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Virginity. It’s something we all know of, something we’ve all talked about. It’s something we, as a culture, obsess over. The idea of your first penis-in-vagina sexual encounter being something significant and life altering (well, for women anyway) may seem like just a tradition, but it’s actually very problematic and even harmful. Here are five reasons why.

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Person standing on a sidewalk, looking ahead seriously

Wonder why we talk about race so much? Here’s why anti-racism work isn’t separate from feminist work, but is actually a crucial component to it. These three examples show that we can’t begin to address the experiences of all women until we acknowledge race. Read on to learn more about how we can dismantle oppression by thinking of more than gender in our feminism.

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Ever wish you could get inside the heads of men and figure out what they’re thinking when they cat call women? Street harassment is a widespread problem, and the first step to solving a problem is understanding the motivations. Check out this Buzzfeed video for a glimpse into the mind of a street harasser! (Spoiler alert: it’s a pretty sad place to be.)

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Through my Women’s Studies courses and readings, I’ve come to better understand my abusive boyfriend and what was behind his emotional and physical violence toward me. Most importantly, I was reassured that his actions were not my fault, something that I struggled with during and for a time after the relationship. And it has been such a relief knowing I’m not the only one who has been through this. (Trigger Warning)

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We talk a lot about street harassment as an issue affecting women. But there’s another group that is disproportionately targeted for this kind of violence, only we don’t talk about them nearly as much. Here to fix that is Kat Lazo. Watch Kat take to the streets of NYC and discuss street harassment and other forms of violence with members of the queer community.

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Dear cis men, there’s plenty of room for you in the feminist movement. But first, you must remember that feminism was created to address the unique oppression that women have historically faced, while acknowledging how overwhelmingly present that oppression still is and the many ways in which you benefit from it. Check out this article for more ally protocols.

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How do you feel when you hear “one size fits all?” Excitement? Dread? The truth is, so many of us don’t fit, and then it’s one more reason to feel bad about our bodies. So if you don’t fit, don’t feel bad. Catch this video with women of varying body types trying on these clothes to remember that you’re not alone – and have some laughs while you’re at it.

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Why do so many straight girls think being seen as a lesbian is an insult? Unpacking the driving social forces behind the fear shows how we’ve been taught to cater to the male gaze. Here’s how to break the cycle, de-condition yourself from patriarchal beliefs about femininity, and eradicate lesbophobia and queerphobia among women. As long as you’re happy in your own skin, rock on.

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When I witnessed female classmates dropping out of school at an alarming rate with the express purpose of getting married and starting a family, I wondered, “are traditional gender roles what we fought for?” But later I realized the most important thing is to offer men and women the right to choose their own life path and not feel like their choices are restricted by their gender.

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Mainstream feminists must listen to women of Color when they voice their struggles. I don’t believe feminisms is a monolithic movement, so I understand why some feminist groups and organizations focus their work on the issues that affect their immediate communities. But hear me out, and you’ll understand why immigration reform must be seen as a feminist issue foremost.

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Unfortunately, patriarchy still exists. And it often manifests in casual ways that tend to go unnoticed by the majority of people. And women aren’t the only ones who suffer under this everyday patriarchy. Everyone does. It limits their range of experiences and diminishes their worth as humans. This plays out in everyday life far more often than we realize.

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Revenge porn – never heard of it? This new internet craze, specifically focused on women, occurs when a person shares a sexual or nude photo or video with a partner or hookup who later decides to make the private photo public. And in most places, it’s perfectly legal. So what can be done in these types of situations? Let’s look at the options we have.

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