CultureMap, who I was a columnist for, ran an article speculating that perhaps the girl who reported being raped by a high school baseball star was lying – without citing any details that imply that other than “kids are supposed to lie.” To make sure they knew I wasn’t secretly cool with treating victims as probable liars, as long as they wrote me checks, I wrote that it was bullsh*t and got fired for it. (Trigger Warning)

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“What would happen if you build a refuge for a persecuted people in a place where another people already lived?” If you’re not familiar with the reality behind Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine, you’re not alone. This video by Jewish Voice for Peace explains some of the key points behind the occupation so we can move toward greater peace and justice for both Palestinian and Jewish communities worldwide.

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Feminism addresses many specific issues, two of which are street harassment and a woman’s right to take up space in the world. But what do these two issues have in common? Check out this week’s video headline to find out! Watch Jessian Choy describe her experience with presenting herself as powerful and how it effectively worked to stop a particularly aggressive street harasser.

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Hello, fellow men. I get what you’re saying. You feel like it’s unfair of a woman to assume that your intention is malicious whenever you tell her that she’s beautiful. You weren’t trying to offend her. Harassment? No, that’s not what you meant at all. But just because you didn’t mean to doesn’t mean you’re not somewhere on the harassment spectrum.

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In this spoken word poem, Ela Barton suggests that the hateful sentiment behind Arizona’s SB 1070 law is a frustration about people of color working for themselves and generating inter-community resources, as opposed to subordinately working for white people in positions of power. This policing of race and citizenship protects colonial standards of white supremacy.

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Character assassination, stalking, rape and death threats — all directed at women in the video game industry. Where is this deep hatred coming from? Who does it affect? And what can be done about it? These are questions that deserve answers. Instead of ignoring the problem, as it has been ignored before, we have a duty to investigate this war on women in gaming.

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Safety should be a top priority when traveling! But if there is one thing I’m sure of, it’s that street harassment is a worldwide problem. So why do we continue to romanticize street harassment in Europe, while vilifying it when Black and Brown men are involved? It’s okay to feel uncomfortable when traveling, but if you want some real advice, let me help you out.

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