I recently wrote a piece on my personal blog that highlighted seven men who are transforming masculinity, and I was blown away by how well it resonated. In reflecting on the post, I realized that it was so popular because it touched on an unfilled need. We need to talk about what a more inclusive masculinity could actually look like beyond “Real men cry, too.”

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Saying “no” to a request for a sexual activity can often bring up feelings of shame and awkwardness, even with people we’re in ongoing relationships. When you have trouble saying “no” to a simple (platonic) request, how do you say it to someone that you actually really like and want to do something sexual with later? Here are some ways to develop your comfort with saying “no.”

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Have you come across any confusing ideas about what ‘counts’ as rape? This guide clears up so many common questions – here’s what everyone needs to know about what rape means.

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Parties can be profoundly dangerous places, especially for women. But men attempting to be a good ally to women can quickly devolve into some paternalistic “white knighting” that can easily recreate the very systems of power and oppression that we’re looking to undermine. So how can men prevent sexual violence and act as allies to women at parties?

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Here’s a lesson for any cause: If we don’t get to the root of the issue, all we’re doing is pulling some individuals to safety while losing others. In combatting sexual violence, we must work to help survivors heal, seek justice, and find the new normal in their life, but that cannot be our only work. We must prevent sexual violence before it happens. But how do we do that? What does it look like?

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