Sometimes I get asked, ‘How do I approach a fat girl?’ Just like ANY other woman! We’re real people with real personalities and feelings, like anyone else – except as fat women, we spend a lot of our lives being treated differently, usually not in a good way. This includes when people try to date us. So here are some tips to help you respectfully approach and date larger women.

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It is the goal of many conservative groups to shut down access to safe abortions, and some of them have the gall to promote these efforts with the slogan “Women deserve better.” Watch renowned slam poet Sonya Renee expose the unbelievable hypocrisy of these organizations and explain what exactly women deserve: choice.

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Last time we checked, liking men does not automatically make someone a woman. And yet, you’ve probably heard a straight woman tell a gay man, “I love how you’re basically one of the girls.” And the microaggressions don’t end there! Check out this hilarious video by Nicola Foti compiling some of the most ridiculous things straight women say to gay men.

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“How can you be a feminist if you shave your legs?” “How can you be a feminist if you date men?” “How can you be a feminist and wear dresses?” If you’ve ever claimed the title of “feminist,” chances are that you’ve had that identity challenged based on some tired old stereotypes. Check out this video debunking some common misconceptions about feminists.

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Did you know that biological sex is not a binary? As many as 4% of the population are predicted to be intersex — born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit neatly into the definitions of male and female. Check out this week’s video headline for an introduction into the reality of intersex conditions and how to respect intersex individuals.

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It’s the favorite advice of patriarchal misogynists everywhere: “Man up.” (See also: “Grow a pair,” “Be a man,” and “Stop acting like a girl.”) This phrase presents a view of masculinity that is oppressive to not just women and gender non-conforming people, but to men as well. Check out Guante’s kick*ss poem with ten ways to respond to this so-called “advice.”

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Some believe that since gay men do not want to be sexually intimate with women, our uninvited touching and groping is benign. In a culture that doesn’t see gay men as “men”, our sexist acts are instead read as “diva worship” or “celebrating women” even when they are acts of objectification, assault, and dehumanization. We must question these assumptions in ourselves and in our communities.

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