As many of us do every year around this time, I got some invites to attend Pride Parades, wear my “gayest outfit” for bar/club crawls, and just “come out and celebrate!” I couldn’t put my finger on it, but somehow I was not motivated to go. What exactly are we proud of and celebrating? And on the flipside, what do we have left to tackle in the movement?

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I was groped at work by a woman. My immediate response was to pretend it never happened. My solution was to hold myself responsible and try to “learn from the experience” and “do better in the future.” If that’s how I handled a minor transgression, what must the cultural shame for a major one feel like? But the truth is, she never should have groped me. And I still have trouble believing that.

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Some people think its funny when boys joke about rape. They argue that people who speak out against those jokes, and the culture that encourages and allows them, are humorless. But those boys eventually turn into teenagers and men, some of whom DO commit actual sexual violence that predominately, but not exclusively, target women. This must stop now!

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Women’s rights in the United States have come a long way. But as we reflect on the remarkable progress the feminist movement has made in creating a more just and equal society, I challenge us to also look ahead to our next few decades of work. By 2040, let’s make sure young feminists can marvel at the following ten things that women of our generation were once not able to do.

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Contrary to popular belief, eating disorders are not diets. They’re a type of mental illness and is categorized by a loss of self-control and an inability to think and behave rationally towards food. And while poor body-image and diet culture are problematic, eating disorders take on a whole new level of dangerous. So we need to be able to pinpoint when the former develops into the latter.

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