Actress Freida Pinto on a red carpet, surrounded by paparazzi

When an actress steps onto the red carpet, the first question she’s asked is “Who are you wearing?” Why is she reduced to how she looks, and not the achievements that brought her there? Sooner or later, these narrow standards of beauty and value hurt us all. Here’s what you need to know about how, and what you can do to bring this machine to a screeching halt.

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Some detrimental cultural ideals run so deep that no one even questions whether they might operate as support beams of status quo oppression. Let’s take the word “bitch” for example. As an exercise in identifying some potentially hibernating connotations that can perpetuate harmful gender stereotypes, here are a few common uses of the word “bitch” and their problematic subtexts.

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As the Black community continues to fight against anti-Black violence, legislation, and other forms of racist oppression, we must also learn how to be better allies and support systems to each other. This article asks the community to consider feminism as a tool to unite Black people across gender and heal the patriarchal remnants of slavery and white supremacy.

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A collection of colorful buttons make a heart shape over a distressed teal table top

Our outrage is missing something. What happens after we spread it through social media, then move on to the next outrage? Anger against injustice comes from a good place, but it can often overshadow one of the core missions of social justice work: to support marginalized people. Here’s how to bring love into your feminist work and care for those who are otherwise denied love.

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You probably know the internet’s blowing up about Patricia Arquette. She spoke up at the Oscars about a really important issue – wage equality. So why all the criticism? Here’s what you need to know about what’s going on with her and other celebrities who speak up on sociopolitical issues – what she did right, where she went wrong, and why we should call her in.

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