Hello, fellow men. I get what you’re saying. You feel like it’s unfair of a woman to assume that your intention is malicious whenever you tell her that she’s beautiful. You weren’t trying to offend her. Harassment? No, that’s not what you meant at all. But just because you didn’t mean to doesn’t mean you’re not somewhere on the harassment spectrum.

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I have firsthand experience with feeling alienated and stereotyped. I have been intimidated in meetings and presentations. And I have also been the intimidator.The belief that there is only space for one woman at the top transcends industries. We must remember that the boardroom is not a throne. There is space around every boardroom table for us – many of us. We just have to barge in as a team.

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Fascinated by this world of unleashed sexual expression, the author of this article couldn’t get enough of it. He thought he’d outgrow his porn habit over time, but he never did. He didn’t know it then, but porn had become an addiction. He didn’t realize how much watching porn manipulated his mind, warping his sexuality, numbing hi feelings, and impacting his relationships with women. Read this personal narrative to find out how he overcame his addiction and got to a healthier place.

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Known as “reverse retouching,” editors are now adding strategically, meticulously placed curves to create idealized hourglass figures on otherwise small, thin frames. We’re all for breaking out of the trap of thin ideals being used to sell EVERYTHING. But is Photoshopping to add “curves” a step in the right direction? Absolutely, undoubtedly, without question, NO. Here’s why.

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I am proud to be an Asian woman and to look the way that I do. My issue with being an Asian woman and trying to date has less to do with my perception of myself, and everything to do with the way I am treated and perceived by men, specifically non-Asian men. Settling for being treated like nothing more than an exotic souvenir gets really old really fast.

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Person with blue painted fingernails typing on a laptop

Although it’s often ridiculed and written off, fan fiction makes some serious progress when it comes to empowerment of marginalized people. It allows us to call out problematic media elements of the texts we love and subvert those narratives – leaving space to reclaim the stories. Read this piece to learn about how the world of fan fiction can be a feminist pursuit.

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