This article was originally published on Threads of Solidarity and republished here with the author’s permission. The strong, Black woman. The Asian “model minority.” “¡No soy loco!” These tropes, expressions, and labels are often used to demonstrate (and even celebrate) the “resiliency” of people of color. But it’s a trap. These stereotypes may seem empowering,…

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This article was originally published on The Establishment and republished here with the author’s permission. I came out as fat to myself about five years ago. I also came out as bisexual to myself around the same time. Both were gradual and mutual processes. “I think that there is a coming out process around being fat that…

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I used to dread the day when I would no longer be attractive to men. And now that I’ve become invisible to so many, it floods me with triumph, every time, that I am finally free of something that I hadn’t recognized as confining. How absurdly, deliciously, triumphantly funny it is that I ever cared. But I am older now, and I can get so much more done this way.

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This article originally appeared in The Huffington Post. It was lightly edited and reposted here with the author’s permission. Google “toxic masculinity” and you’re likely to stumble across Ben Shapiro’s National Review article The ‘Toxic Masculinity’ Smear, where he discusses the Left’s war on masculinity and manhood. If you can power through the part where he…

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“Forced Intimacy” is a term I have been using for years to refer to the common, daily experience of disabled people being expected to share personal parts of ourselves to survive in an ableist world. This often takes the form of being expected to share (very) personal information with able bodied people to get basic…

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Plus-size model Tess Munster looks seductively at the camera against a teal background

When fat and happy people get positive press, we get hope for body positivity. But scrolling down to the comments is a different story – there, you’ll find a monstrous amount of hate and criticism. So why is loving yourself so controversial? Find out with this spot-on take on how we’re all taught to feel badly about ourselves and why body love is for everyone.

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Originally published on Medium and republished here with the author’s permission. Since Inauguration Day, the progressive community and people of good conscience more generally are experiencing a mix of dread, despair and fear as we steel ourselves to face the dystopian reality of the Trump era. We all recognize the threat that a Trump administration represents for…

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