I still, on occasion, wear make-up. But what is the rationale behind the choice? I still question myself about it, mainly to minimize any risk of my falling into the trap of presenting versus being present. What is your make-up motive? Is the choice to wear make-up yet another trap that women fall prey to when battling between who they are expected to be, and who they authentically are?

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I recently wrote a piece on my personal blog that highlighted seven men who are transforming masculinity, and I was blown away by how well it resonated. In reflecting on the post, I realized that it was so popular because it touched on an unfilled need. We need to talk about what a more inclusive masculinity could actually look like beyond “Real men cry, too.”

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As the Black community continues to fight against anti-Black violence, legislation, and other forms of racist oppression, we must also learn how to be better allies and support systems to each other. This article asks the community to consider feminism as a tool to unite Black people across gender and heal the patriarchal remnants of slavery and white supremacy.

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There are so many harmful, violent, and oppressive messages in the media about Black women. Those messages can harmfully inform how Black women think about themselves, as well as how they are perceived by society and within their communities. Check out this article to learn how to replace toxic media messages with self-love, self-efficacy, healing, and liberation.

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Menstruation. That dirty little secret that half the population is expected to keep. That shameful reality that we take extreme measures to avoid. It’s completely reasonable that one might not enjoy a period. But those are not reasons to be shamed for having a body that bleeds. We need to reclaim this experience and find power in the blood that unites us!

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At some point in our lives, most people will need to take off an extended period of time to deal with a family or medical issue. Despite this, only 12% of workers in America receive paid family leave through their jobs. And the lucky ones that do are disproportionately well-educated, high-earning, and male. But what about the rest of us? What happens if we fall ill or have a child?

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There’s been much talk about modesty being “better.” But when we judge girls and women for the skin they are or are not showing, we are minimizing them to their bodies and repeating the shame-inducing belief that female bodies must be covered to protect boys and men who can’t be held responsible for their thoughts or actions. Women and girls are more than just bodies – let’s treat them like that.

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So many people like to argue that society can’t possibly change to accommodate all the needs of its oppressed and marginalized people (though we’re constantly backflipping to protect and validate privilege). But that argument is never based on facts, research, or precedent. Instead, it uses people’s fear of change and loss to deny oppressed people their rights.

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