Fat women are subjugated to so much insult, harassment, discrimination, abuse, and dehumanization. Sometimes, it feels as if there is no escape from fat hatred and oppression — even when it’s carefully masked as a compliment. Check out this video to learn just how problematic fatphobic pseudo-compliments, like “You have a pretty face,” are to fat women.

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High heels, short skirts, and bold lipstick might look amazing on some women, but those things make me feel vulnerable. Like I’m seeking attention. And for whatever reason, the idea of strangers acknowledging me in a sexual way when I feel like it seems like that’s what I want makes me genuinely uncomfortable. I just happen to feel sexiest in a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt.

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Star Wars logo

The Force Awakens is the most anticipated movie of 2015, and it’s essential that we make sure the next Star Wars installment gets it right. While racists have made their displeasure about the #blackstormtrooper known, we’re gearing up for the film with these six issues to correct. Use this list to call for a more inclusive galaxy, not a more racist, misogynistic one.

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A key part of patriarchy is that men shouldn’t feel or express their feelings, except when they’re angry. With pervasive messages like “boys don’t cry” and “man up,” guys often don’t feel comfortable or know how to process their feelings. So let’s unpack why it can be so hard for men to feel and how they can start.

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Feminists today are highly concerned with language and its implications. Here at Everyday Feminism, we advise respectful discourse with the aim to uplift and educate one another. We’re aiming to improve your day-to-day lives. But if I’m going to be human and imperfect and slip up every once in a while, I’d at least like to do it in a quasi-feminist way.

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What does it mean when someone says you’re “not the average Black girl?” Some people mean it as a compliment, but here’s one Black woman who’s not taking it that way. Catch Ernestine Johnson’s powerful words about why. She’s got the real deal on who the average Black girl really is, and why she’s so much more than the tired stereotype some people try to use to dismiss her.

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In the fall of 2013, Sasha Fleischman was set on fire on a public bus because they wore a skirt with a men’s shirt. San Francisco Magazine asked photographer Chloe Aftel to shoot a portrait of individuals who refuse to define themselves as strictly male or female. Aftel explains, “The collection is an exploration of what this movement looks like and what it means.”

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Person with their hand up as if saying "Stop"

This author, like so many of us who spend our time fighting sexism, was charged with wanting to be a victim. Is it true? We do often seek to acknowledge the horrifying truth of how our culture mistreats women and other marginalized folks. But that doesn’t mean you’re “playing the victim.” Here’s some affirmation of how far that is from the truth.

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