Whether it’s a minor, annoying habit or a downright socially problematic behavior, I’m sure your partner has done or said something that made you vomit in your mouth a little bit. It can be daunting to tell others how to treat you. But you owe it to your sense of self-worth and the stability of your relationship to communicate when your partner does something that upsets you.

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Do you feel stuck? At rock bottom? You’re not alone. Many people with big goals can’t seem to figure out how to make their dreams come true and are told that they’re not good enough. So here’s some empowering strategies for overcoming obstacles, facing your fears, and moving on to a fuller, freer life based on my work with formerly incarcerated women who built meaningful lives after prison.

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Too many times, oppressed people use whatever power they have secured to oppress another instead of using that power to challenge the hierarchal order of things. Internalized racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and misogyny are all alive and well and we must continue to battle those beasts within. We have to ask more of ourselves and the communities we are a part of.

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It’s important to discuss kink from a feminist perspective because of the harm that misinformation about our desires can cause. This misinformation can lead to feelings of disempowerment in one’s a/sexuality and relationships, and erardicating that should be part of the foundation of any intersectional feminist movement. So let’s bust three common myths about BDSM.

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There is a war against women, and men and boys are trained everyday to be the soldiers. Misogynist violence isn’t the biological imperative of men. Misogyny is beaten into boys and woven into the fabric of “successful masculinity”. It’s time for men in the millions to declare that we will no longer act as the soldiers in the war against women.

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There is a social conundrum for women in which speaking one’s opinion openly and flatly can be considered “un-ladylike.” Since every person and situation is different, only you will be able to decide what works in your life. But if you’re ever in a position where you feel uncomfortable or unwelcomed speaking up, here are a few suggestions that I hope can help.

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A black service dog stares compassionately into the camera with big, brown eyes

Service animals provide disabled people with therapeutic emotional support. Additionally, they’re trained to specifically cater to their owners and to assist them with their unique disabilities. But there might be a lot that you don’t know about them – which can lead to unintended ableism. Learn more about how to broaden your intersectional feminism around dis/ability.

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There are so many harmful, violent, and oppressive messages in the media about Black women. Those messages can harmfully inform how Black women think about themselves, as well as how they are perceived by society and within their communities. Check out this article to learn how to replace toxic media messages with self-love, self-efficacy, healing, and liberation.

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