More and more people are becoming aware of how horrifically animals are treated, particularly at factory farms, and so are making different purchases. What’s less clear is how animal rights are also a feminist issue since they’re, well, not humans. However, if we open our minds to consider animals, there’s some strong reasons to support that position.

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Before we can think about whether or not we’ve ever experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, we need to become familiar with different definitions and forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is intimidation of a sexual nature. It is any type of unwelcome sexual advance, from a crude joke to aggressive sexual bullying. And there are actions that you can take against it.

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Person thinking in frustration with a pink background

We know mainstream porn has some pretty unrealistic images, including false stereotypes. But do you know where stereotypes about Asian sexuality come from, and what they teach us about valuing (and devaluing) Asian bodies? Learn about the disturbing connection to colonization, to see how deep these misconceptions go, and why we must stop the colonization of bodies.

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What comes to mind when you hear the word “environmentalism”? Earth Day, recycling, celebrating trees and nature? Probably. But what if I told you that environmental issues are feminist issues? That environmental degradation impacts communities based on socio-economic status and gender? There’s a term for this study: eco-feminism. Let’s learn more together.

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Wondering what feminist and social justice news and content you missed this week? Fear not! Your weekly feminist round-up is here! This week: Raven Symoné dismisses labels, the Vatican announces changes in their perception of the LGBTQIA+ community, and Malala Yousafzai accepts the Nobel Peace Prize. Check out more from this week!

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As a gay man, you have male privilege but being gay complicates that, making you seem less-than in many people’s eyes. Many bigots see you as being like a woman or wanting to be a woman, which some gay men will internalize as negative. Feminism looks at that thought and says, “What’s wrong with being a woman?” I needed to hear that message at 18, and I still need to hear it now.

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Menstruation. That dirty little secret that half the population is expected to keep. That shameful reality that we take extreme measures to avoid. It’s completely reasonable that one might not enjoy a period. But those are not reasons to be shamed for having a body that bleeds. We need to reclaim this experience and find power in the blood that unites us!

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Eating disorders are everywhere, and finally, people are beginning to realize it. Unfortunately, with the increased awareness has come a rash of myths – both about the disorders themselves and the people who suffer. Learn what they are so you can better support someone struggling with an eating disorder.

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Chivalry refers to all of its historical relevance. It carries the weight of patriarchal male privilege and female subordination dichotomies. And as such, if taken with all of its historical context and breadth of connotation, can be considered to be a part of rape culture. And if you’re not trying to bring up all that jazz, then maybe chivalry simply isn’t the word you’re looking for.

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