When it comes to sexuality and feminism, one of the biggest roadblocks that we face – both in unlearning our own educations and in teaching others – is how social messages conflict with our own authenticity. What are some ways in which we can transform public thought about sexual “norms” and reconcile our feminist beliefs with social norms surrounding sex?

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In recent years, the word “slut” has become deeply ingrained into our culture, to the point where people say it too easily and too casually. I’ve often asked myself: What can we do about this nasty, negative word choice that is so standard in our culture? Maybe learning more about the word itself – and more empowering words we can use instead – is a good start.

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After a montage of male and female public figures arguing that sexism is obsolete, that catcalling is essentially compliments, and that sexual harassment is just “boys being boys,” Jessica Williams, from the Daily Show with Jon Stewart, uses humor and sarcasm to illustrate the pervasive, invasive, and terrifying nature of street harassment and sexism in society.

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It’s the affirmation that every woman allegedly wants and even needs to hear: “You’re beautiful.” Like many girls, this author aspired to be beautiful. If she wasn’t beautiful, she thought, how could she put my best self forward? How could she designate herself as worthy of someone’s time? Not feeling beautiful becomes almost threatening. Which prompts the question: Why?

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If you grew up in the United States, it is almost inevitable that you’ve been subject to a few standard aphorisms. These include things like: “Anyone can make it here if they try hard enough,” “Nothing worth having comes easy,” “Hard work pays off,” “Winners never quit, and quitters never win,” and “Success is no…

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