The discussion on street harassment is too often narrowed into a racialized narrative that harms people of color. To be more inclusive and not perpetuate racism, let’s broaden this conversation to examine all the types of people who perpetuate it, where they do it, and the diverse groups of folk who are harmed by it. Here’s some considerations to get you started.

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Have gender stereotypes led you to have sex when you didn’t want to? Your sex life shouldn’t be defined by stereotypes. Understanding how culture influences our choices around sex can empower us to talk about our desires and needs openly and sincerely. This article will help you understand and feel empowered. Learn how myths can impact you — and what to do about it.

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The beauty ideal has changed over time, but the idea that there is only one way to have a beautiful body has not. The current one necessitates thinness. Until we’ve accomplished thinness, we are works in progress, and that there is no excuse for not participating in this. It’s not about policing how we look, they tell us. It’s for our health, for our own good! As if.

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This article was originally published on Kajal Magazine and republished here with the author‘s permission. A few years ago, I truly believed a brown man would save me from my loneliness. It’s embarrassing to admit now, but at the time, my everyday life was shaped by this hope: if I could just find one to…

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My darling Son, this is not a conversation any boy wants to have with his mum at any age. But it’s a conversation we must have nonetheless. I would be failing in my duty as a parent, guide, and woman if I did not share the following information with you – information that has the power to impact greatly upon your future sex life. And your relationships. So listen carefully. This is important.

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You’ve probably thought before about the implications that feminist ideals can have on your relationships. Society’s social norms can make things tricky, especially when not all of our relationships exist with equally as feminist people. But how you chose to relate to and with others is completely up to you. The ultimate feminist act is to practice this.

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My friend Deborah calls herself a “matriarch,” and I like the label. It implies concern not just for your children, but for everyone’s children. It implies a sense of authority and confidence that commands respect. But before more of us can embrace the role of matriarch, it seems that we need to clear up a few misconceptions about what it means to be one.

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Two people sitting on the ground, catcalling someone walking by

We get it. It can be hard sometimes to understand the difference between catcalling and complimenting people. But what it really comes down to is respect – and you’re usually better off saying nothing at all. This article is to help those who have the best intentions, but are struggling with understanding when it’s appropriate to approach someone in public.

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This article was originally published in RESIST, a publication that is no longer in print, and cross-posted here. (Content warning: animal exploitation; examples of sexism, ableism; descriptions of women in sexually or domestically abusive situations) The animal rights community has a serious exploitation problem. I am never surprised to hear when a non-vegan believes that…

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As exacerbated and reinforced by the media, our society has an extremely racialized lens of violence. While white people are generally perceived as innocent, people of color experience intensely oppressive treatments in media depiction, the prison industrial complex, the school system, and within our general society. We must decolonize our image of “criminal” now.

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Too many times, oppressed people use whatever power they have secured to oppress another instead of using that power to challenge the hierarchal order of things. Internalized racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and misogyny are all alive and well and we must continue to battle those beasts within. We have to ask more of ourselves and the communities we are a part of.

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