Protesters in Baltimore marching for justice for Freddie Gray

As a White person, I’m so frustrated in how so many of us are blaming people of Color for their own oppression and condemning them for expressions of grief and rage that make us uncomfortable and afraid. If you find yourself doing that, read this to learn what else you can do if you care about the people of Color who are literally fighting for their lives.

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Halloween is about glorifying all things spooky, but the scariest thing is how rampant racism is. This year, try asking yourself these questions to avoid perpetuating stereotypes and racist attitudes.

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Young person sitting against a wall with their head in their hands, visibly upset

Ever been told you’re “too sensitive” about oppression? After microaggressions and other moments that are supposedly “no big deal,” many of us are expected to swallow our feelings and move on. That expectation shows a lack of empathy for the histories of oppressed people. This article shows that your sensitivity is not a weakness, but a powerful source of change.

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The pain of being a feminist in an anti-feminist world is palpable and it stings. Online backlash is one thing. It isn’t deserved or excusable, but it’s expected. But what about when the backlash is in your real life, when it’s from friends or family? It can easily lead to resentment, frustration, and anger. So here are some ideas for self-care to deal with it.

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There’s a difference between being chivalrous and being nice. We should all be nice to everyone – regardless of their gender. But when you do something nice for women because of their gender, is not just being nice – it’s being chivalrous, which is based on the belief that women are fragile, delicate creatures who need special treatment.

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I want to see a masculinity where love, power with, and compassion replace dominance, power over, and violence — a masculinity where some of those good messages I learned from the men in my life endure while leaving behind the destructive things that hurt me and so many other male-identified people. In short, we need a new way to understand ourselves as men.

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Misinformation is the enemy of progressive change and social improvement. And unfortunately, there is a LOT of misinformation about gender confirmation surgery. “They need therapy, not surgery!” “I don’t want to pay for that.” “It’s not like it’s life or death.” These ideas aren’t helping anyone. In fact, they’re harmful to many. So let’s clear up a few misconceptions.

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