Everyday Feminism’s Speakers Bureau Speakers HomeList of SpeakersBook a Speaker Afrosexology Afrosexology provides comprehensive pleasure based education centered around the experiences and liberation of Black people. Afrosexology curates online content, community discussions, educational materials, and sex positive events that cover topics such as masturbation, self love, enhancing communication in relationships, radical twerking, oral sex, and…

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An essential ingredient in all recipes for social justice is self-determination: the ability to author your own life. To be the subject, rather than the object, of your life. And yet the denial of youths’ right to self-determine is as old as civilization itself. So how can you recognize and push back against adultism in your everyday life? Read on to find out.

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In 2009 France’s Prime Minister moved to outlaw the burqa – a head to toe covering worn by some Muslim women. But is taking away self-expression the best way to promote ‘”freedom”?

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Everyday Feminism Membership Program Dear Everyday Feminism readers, we need your help. We all know that our communities are being attacked and exploited more than ever. There’s a rising wave of racism, misogyny, and hate being spread across the US and the world, amplified by Trump and those like him. Over the years, you’ve come…

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What if we told you that “fat” is not a feeling? That’s what performer and body empowerment activist Caroline Rothstein says in this stirring video about how trauma, beauty standards, and oppression teach us not to love our bodies. Learn from her eating disorder recovery, and get her key to choosing to love her body – and respect other people’s bodies, too. (Content Warning: Rape, eating disorder)

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I do believe in body love and vulva-love is an integral part of it. Positive body image needs to encompass our whole female bodies, not just the parts that we like and are comfortable with. And in a society that teaches us constantly that female genitalia, by default, is offensive, we have a lot of work to do insofar as unlearning all of the bullshit and filling ourselves with enlightenment.

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If you’re anything like me, you spend countless hours binge-watching your favorite TV shows, dancing to the songs that move you, and generally consuming a lot of media. That means that it is inevitable that some of the things you encounter and love are problematic. So what are we do to do when we encounter something that we love that is also deeply problematic?

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I am not new to masculinity, but I am new to being a black man. I am new to the experience of male privilege, as well as the disprivilege of race that marks my black male body as suspect. It is the delicate balance between power and criminal that has allowed me to see misogyny in an entirely different light. But because black feminism allows me to love myself, I have learned to love black men.

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