While we talk a lot about harmful media beauty ideals like extreme thinness, sex appeal, etc, one of the most oppressive ideals excludes anyone who isn’t white – ie whitewashing of beauty. And in our society, it has a negative impact on females who rarely see images of their own races depicted in a positive manner and on how white people (and all people) view women of color.

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I’ve written several times about various aspects of fat antagonism. But because the body positivity, Health at Every Size, and fat acceptance movements trend very white, there is little discussion—both within these movements and outside of them—about body image issues for Black folk. That’s a problem for several reasons. Mostly because I’ve been having a…

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Ameena didn’t want to be a “good Arab girl” – virginal and submissive. So she moved across the globe to where she would be more free. And then found herself being slut-shamed.

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From the way it was presented to me, I knew my disability was something negative; something no one wanted. So I was placed in Special Ed, because that’s what people do with you when they can’t figure you out.

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Love YouTube videos? You should know this about the women who make them: “I love making YouTube videos. I love making content that makes you laugh or think or see the world differently. I hate that my job comes with a daily dose of harassment.” In this video, these women share about the sexist, racist, and body-shaming comments that regularly slam their work. (Trigger Warning)

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