Sexuality isn’t a choice. So it may seem confusing to some when people say that they feel that their sexuality is fluid. But being sexually fluid doesn’t mean a person is confused. For a person to know and accept their sexuality as fluid, they must be self-aware. So let’s learn a little more about sexual fluidity.

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“Privilege” is a word you’ll hear often in social justice spaces, both offline and online. Some people understand the concept easily. Others – and I was like this – find the concept confusing and need a little more help. If you’re willing to learn about privilege, but you don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! Here are the basics.

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“Do I pass?” According to our society’s standards, women who are trans, women of color, fat, disabled, and more will never “look like a woman right” – so this author’s getting it wrong on purpose. Dysphoria can leave us heartbroken around as we try to fit the impossible standard of womanhood. With this moving article, learn about the power of looking like you.

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When I began my own transition, of course, homelessness lingered as a fear in the back of my mind. I’d watched too many trans women be run out of their jobs under suspicious circumstances and subsequently struggle to find another job to believe I was entirely immune to the possibility.

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Male socialization runs so deep through our veins. For many, the shame of not having money, the shame of not being able to provide, collapses upon every other facet of our lives. Few of us speak the shame. Few of us hold the shame, look at it, and let it be within us but not of us. Few of us know how.

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It’s exhausting when you feel like you’re having the same conversation over and over again in regards to social injustices that are important to you. It can be even more frustrating when you realize that whether your conversation is in-group or out-group, it can sound really similar. Here are some examples of talking about non-binary issues with both trans and cis folk.

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  To learn more, check out: 3 Ways To Tell The Difference Between Appreciation of Beauty and Sexual Objectification We’re Taking Lesbian Sexuality Back from the Male Gaze and the Result Is Awesome [do_widget id=’text-101′] M. Slade is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism. He is New York-based cartoonist and illustrator. Aside from creating artwork for…

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Side portrait of a person sad, with their eyes closed

“You should be thankful!” Have you ever heard that about catcalls? Many conversations on street harassment leave out this part – how it feels when harassers are the only ones saying you’re beautiful. Here’s one woman’s story of getting messages that it’s impossible to be beautiful and be Black, and growing to reject those ideas and find validation in herself. (Trigger Warning)

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