I’m noticing a trend lately where we feminists really want to get dudes on board. But it’s hard to start the process of noticing the simple, seemingly mundane ways that sexism creeps into our everyday lives. So here’s a short introduction, guys. Here are five simple things you should probably stop doing if you want to show that you have respect for women.

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From a young age, boys are bombarded with images of the traditional model of masculinity as being strong, ready to fight, sexually entitled, and emotionless except for anger. And while many men aren’t violent, many fear being called “gay” or “girly” if they deviate from that norm too much. Here’s some ways to help your son develop his own sense of healthy masculinity.

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Black shirt with "#MENINIST" written across the front in white against a red background

What’s up with men’s rights advocates? Maybe you’ve read their commentary, and maybe you’ve wanted them to shut the hell up about so-called “men’s oppression.” But is there any truth to what they’re saying? What are their worries, and who are the true champions of gender equality? Let’s get into the concerns, the myths, and the real story behind men’s rights.

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From birth, those of us with privileged identities, such as being a man or white, are socialized to believe that all the opportunities we get are a result of individual merit. This is the fuel with which the oppression monster feeds itself, and it is something that we feminists — especially those of us who are white feminists — must unlearn to truly combat oppression.

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Yes, we need to talk about the impact religion has on our culture and ideas of gender, even if that means we have to touch a touchy subject. But because religion is so intertwined with culture and ethnic identity, any and all open criticism of religion needs to be handled with care. Here are four things to keep in mind when being critical of religion.

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Privilege and oppression simultaneously impact our lives in a number of intersectional ways. If we solely focus on our marginalized identities, we give up the opportunity to recognize and interrupt the ways our privileges cause harm to the people we care about. If you’re struggling with recognizing your privilege as a marginalized person, this might serve as a helpful guide.

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