It’s a natural desire to want to give your opinion on something. We all want to think that our perspective matters – and oftentimes, it does. But sometimes it doesn’t. And we don’t always think about the implications of our words. So, what do you do when you get called out for saying something problematic – and you totally “didn’t mean it like that?”

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Queer woman of color looking despondent

We’re taught that a “normal” relationship has a cisgender man and a cisgender woman. Same with a “normal” case of intimate partner violence. But reports of LGBTQIA+ intimate partner violence are on the rise. So why is LGBTQIA+ IPV so invisible? Let’s survey the scene, and get some essential guidelines for giving safe and affirming support to LGBTQIA+ IPV survivors.

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Going to the gynecologist, as a trans man in a transphobic world, can be an incredibly uncomfortable and verbally violent experience. Consequently, many men avoid getting necessary medical services like pap smears—which could lead to a completely different discomfort. Here’s some advice on how to safely negotiate your pap test as a trans man.

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Too often bisexuality and pansexuality are pitted against each other in the name of fighting transphobia. Calling out transphobia is vital. But too often this debate is used more to devalue the other identity. Let’s talk about why this debate is hurting cis polysexual people and trans people of all sexual orientations and how we can support everyone instead.

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If the ultimate goal is to get someone to change their problematic behavior, then we need to be intentional and strategic about how we encourage people to do that, especially other activists. How do we, as people with shared goals for social justice, hold each other accountable? In addition to calling people out, we can also call each other in when we mess up.

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I was watching the Disney movie The Hunchback of Notre Dame when I suddenly went into shock. Right from the start, seeing Quasimodo be the recipient of so much gaslighting – being told that the world wasn’t safe, that he would never be accepted or loved, that Frollo had only his best interest at heart…

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