There’s no shortage of outcries from those who believe that selfies are the pinnacle of the passive narcissism and self-indulgence facilitated by social media. But we need to start teaching girls that confidence is not a sign of vanity, but a marker of healthy self perception and positive thinking. Break out your camera and start snapping. Embrace yourself.

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You don’t need me to tell you that words have meaning. So it should come as no surprise that the words we use as activists matter, too. The way we describe our movements, allies, and opponents are loaded with meaning, and it is our responsibility as feminists to be mindful of the ways in which we wield this power. So how can we use our words to make change?

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Trans people have to put up with a lot of crap from straight cis people: everything from people being offended to find out that the person they found attractive is “actually a man,” to asking invasive personal questions about a trans person’s genitalia. Check out this spoken word poem by J Mase III that pokes fun at these entitled attitudes.

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