When we think about truck drivers, construction workers, garbage collectors, plumbers, electricians, and other blue-collar work, few of us immediately imagine women performing these tasks. But there are many women who want to (and do!) work in non-traditional trades. Many people think we can’t perform these tasks, but I’m here to tell you that we can and we do!

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So you’ve figured out that you’re polyamorous. Awesome! But you’re also currently in a monogamous relationship. Uh-oh. Entering into a polyamorous relationship from a previously monogamous one can take work – but not only is it not impossible. It also can lead to healthier, more fulfilling relationships! Check out this comic to learn how to talk to your partner about your polyamory.

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Typically, we only discuss sexism in terms of gender, but it also has applicability to biases related to sexuality. Monosexism is synonymous with bi/panphobia in many ways because it perpetuates the myth that a person can only truly be attracted to one gender. But someone’s sexuality is not a tool for you to reassert your own social legitimacy at the expense of others.

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So you’ve been reading about polyamory and have decided it’s something you want to try. Or maybe you’re still thinking about it, but don’t have a clear sense of where you’d even begin. It can take some time to figure out how polyamory works best in your life. Here are a few tips, guidelines, and things to consider for people just starting out in the poly world.

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