As a fat person, I am often surrounded by people, messages, and media that work to ensure that I know that being fat is (supposedly) not okay. There are many ways that fat individuals try to manage living in the hostile environment, but I want to suggest doing something a little radical: coming out as fat. Here are some places to start.

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Fascinated by this world of unleashed sexual expression, the author of this article couldn’t get enough of it. He thought he’d outgrow his porn habit over time, but he never did. He didn’t know it then, but porn had become an addiction. He didn’t realize how much watching porn manipulated his mind, warping his sexuality, numbing hi feelings, and impacting his relationships with women. Read this personal narrative to find out how he overcame his addiction and got to a healthier place.

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Body acceptance is not about disregarding your health. Its about loving and accepting your body and wanting to take care of it. There is no such thing as a “good” or “bad” body, and it is important to listen to your body and all the signs and signals it provides you. Accept yourself and your beautiful form, and this will encourage those you interact with to love their bodies as well.

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It’s so revolutionary to see loving and joyful images of queer women—especially when they are a part of a historical archive. It is an empowering reminder that, in spite of the homophobic misogyny our elders and chosen ancestors had to endure, they still fell in love, created art, marched the streets, and built community with each other. Check out these photos.

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