Did the racy pictures get sent around the school? Did you hook-up with someone’s boyfriend and now the whole school hates you? Are you the victim of slut bashing and don’t even know why? The pain and embarrassment of being labeled a “slut’ or ‘ho” can be unbearable but there are steps you can take to navigate a bad reputation.

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Might a woman wearing a sari at a podium get a different reception than a woman wearing a dark suit? Perhaps. I guess it depends on if the podium is in New York or Topeka. But isn’t that difference in reception one worth challenging and interrogating? It’s a personal choice – just as any other woman’s style of professional presentation is her personal choice.

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Here’s your Weekly Feminist Round-Up, a collection of the top sociopolitical news stories and creative justice-focused content from around the globe. This week: Janay Rice speaks out about those racist DV Halloween costumes, updates from the missing Nigerian girls, and the unspoken problem with that video about street harassment in New York City. Check it out!

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With this time of year comes an increase in street harassment. So let me say it plainly to my male-identified people out there: Street harassment and leering are never okay. It’s all harassment. It’s all misogyny. And it all needs to stop. And since men are the primary perpetrators of street harassment, men bear the responsibility for ending it.

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There’s a myth is that if you have enough women and femmes in your organization, your organization is automatically not sexist or femmephobic. This is absolutely untrue, especially if the only way for women and femmes to get ahead is to emulate men and masculinities. When I talk about femininity and masculinity I am talking…

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