A group of activists rallying under a rainbow flag

The mainstream Gay Rights™ movement has made a lot of important gains – like marriage equality, for instance – but it leaves a lot of folks wondering: Have we forgotten our own history? Check out this article to understand the ways in which the history of queer and trans liberation needs to inform our activism today – and why prison abolition should be a top priority.

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How can we make feminist commitments this Father’s Day? This list of ideas ranges from the civic to the personal, the playful to the political, but each suggestion is geared so that feminism is at the heart of our families. Join us in making a commitment to take at least one action against patriarchy and misogyny in real life. Let us evolve fatherhood together.

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Bisexual folks have been made the butt of so many jokes, have had their identities excluded from queer communities, and have been accused of perpetuating transphobia and the gender binary. But the castigation of bi identities from queer and gender non-conforming movements reinforces a prejudice that harms people across the gender and sexuality spectrum.

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Domestic violence is about power. When one’s trans identity challenges conventional gender definitions, its boundaries, and its performances, DV survivors can often feel disempowered. And because it is happening in trans* communities, we need to talk about it and what you can do to help. With the right knowledge and tools, you can help facilitate recovery.

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We’ve all been there – just when you think you’ve become a good ally, somebody tells you that you’ve done or said something problematic. Here’s the good news: nobody’s perfect, so you’re not alone. Perfection is not what’s important, and being an ally doesn’t mean you can do no wrong. Read about what is important, and learn what to do if you make a mistake.

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Put very simply, self-care is an intentional practice of taking care of ourselves. Now if you’re a type A productivity monster such as myself, you may have already stopped reading because you’ve got things to do. Am I right? I’ve said that all too many times before to myself. But if our obsession with productivity is keeping us from taking care of ourselves, we’ve got a problem.

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Self-care is a revolutionary act when living in a world that tells us we—especially those of us with marginalized identities—are not worthy of care, forgiveness, and gentleness. It allows us to fight back against oppression by affirming that yes, we do deserve to feel good. We are inherently worthy of care and attention, and we shouldn’t feel guilty for it.

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The media we consume can impact the way we see our own bodies, our perspectives on races, cultures, sexualities, and genders. It’s disheartening to see the media prioritizing the stories of only a set group of people. It is absolutely essential that we continually call for improvement. So how can we to do that? Here are three things we must demand from media.

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For the first time, this year, my family is the one that will be getting a large refund. And it has really put some things into perspective. I’m a little ashamed at the privileged judging I did in previous tax years of cash-strapped people who get large refunds. Here’s what I wish I’d known before so that I would understand why some people get so much and others get so little back.

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One red figure raising its hand among a group of gray figures

Self-determination – making your own choices – is so important. But let’s be careful about the difference between self-determination from a colonial perspective and how it’s defined in Indigenous struggles. If we don’t, it can be used to actively perpetuate marginalization and hurt disabled people. Here’s how you can take up self-determination in a justice framework.

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