I was raised as an Evangelical Christian and after what like a lifetime of Sunday school, church solos, and purity pledges, I finally had a “duh” realization: I like ladies. My newfound liberation was a huge relief, but also tainted by the terror of what came next: telling my parents. I survived, and I come to you now with lessons learned for your benefit.

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As you lie alone in bed, exhausted from watching Love Actually on loop, you ask yourself: “When will I become normal again?” It’s not nice when people belittle the pain of a broken heart. We are conditioned to react to break-ups as one would to a hurricane. Sure, you’ll get over it eventually, but that can take years. So how can you handle the following lonely months? Here are some ideas.

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Person looking as though they have found clarity and are ready to move forward in their life

Just because you’re legally bonded to your family doesn’t mean that it’s okay for them to be violent toward you. And it’s pretty twisted when they (and others) believe otherwise. Abuse is abuse is abuse. But familial abuse comes with some extra complications that we need to discuss. So here are six ways to move toward cultivating a chosen family that nurtures you.

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Many people are initially confused or ashamed when they realize that they don’t fit into their prescribed gender box, and may also feel depressed as they struggle to be their true selves. Most likely, your family will share these difficult feelings as well. You and your loved ones are about to embark on a lifelong journey, and you must prepare them.

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What if you didn’t use power over your kids but instead shared power with them? What if you nurtured socially conscious adults ready to challenge patriarchy? Let’s explore a fresh look at parenting that takes into consideration an actionable, skill-based philosophy of parenting through feminism, rooted in feminist ideals of respect, equality, and social justice.

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Growing up in the Midwest, I heard many things said about the Native American ethnicity. Some things were good, most were bad, but all had one thing in common: They were sweeping generalizations – overarching assumptions that ascribe a specific set of characteristics to all people of a certain culture. Otherwise known as stereotypes. And to move beyond them, first we have to understand them.

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Many of us have been conditioned to see vaginas (even our own!) as something shameful, only to be talked about when “appropriate.” This perpetuation of silence and shame can make some people uncomfortable about going to the gynecologist, even though it’s an important part of staying healthy. So here’s a step-by-step guide on what to expect.

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It’s exhausting when you feel like you’re having the same conversation over and over again in regards to social injustices that are important to you. It can be even more frustrating when you realize that whether your conversation is in-group or out-group, it can sound really similar. Here are some examples of talking about non-binary issues with both trans and cis folk.

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