A hand writes the word "Abortion" on a chalkboard.

Due to a lot of misinformation around later-term abortions, there remains a lot of fear, stigma, and confusion around what they actually are and who gets them. Many people who identify as pro-choice seem to readily distance themselves from late-term abortions, and may altogether disagree on their legality. But what do we actually know about late term abortions?

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Superficial circumstances, especially ones as obvious as physical disability, can obscure who a person really is. But humanity should be shared, not allocated in increments based on privilege or experiences. And since able-bodied privilege is one of the most unrecognizable forms of privilege in society, today we’re going to talk about ten ways that you can avoid ableism in everyday life.

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For 24 years, Golda tried every diet imaginable until she realized she could make a different choice — accepting her body and treating it well — and has since dedicated herself to helping others take the same journey. In this TEDxTalk, Golda Poretsky busts myths about the relationship between weight and health and to prove, based on research, that health (and body-love) comes in every size.

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What is it about the gym that makes guys so much more likely to bother women who clearly aren’t interested in doing anything besides, you know, working out? (After all, that’s what gyms are for.) If you’re a woman and you’ve ever been stared at, offered unnecessary help, or had to listen to guys talk at you while you’re just trying to exercise, this video is for you.

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Have you ever noticed that white people repeat a lot of the same conversation points when they talk to black people? What would it sound like if the roles were reversed? What would it sound like if black people said the stuff white people say? Check out this hilarious video to see how ridiculous these stereotypes really sound!

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Yes, we need to talk about the impact religion has on our culture and ideas of gender, even if that means we have to touch a touchy subject. But because religion is so intertwined with culture and ethnic identity, any and all open criticism of religion needs to be handled with care. Here are four things to keep in mind when being critical of religion.

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Person in a meeting at work, looking happy

The Starbucks #RaceTogether campaign came and went faster than you could finish a latte. Can we learn anything positive from it? Let’s talk about how you can actually create cultural change around racial justice issues – by starting with your own workplace (and without talking to under-caffeinated strangers). What would you change to make a less oppressive workplace?

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There’s a difference between appreciating language and being a snob. And the last place that we need grammar snobbery is in social justice movements. And not just because getting hung up on subject-predicate agreement is distracting to the job at hand, but also because purporting one form of English as elite is inherently oppressive. So let’s talk about why.

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