Too often bisexuality and pansexuality are pitted against each other in the name of fighting transphobia. Calling out transphobia is vital. But too often this debate is used more to devalue the other identity. Let’s talk about why this debate is hurting cis polysexual people and trans people of all sexual orientations and how we can support everyone instead.

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From birth, those of us with privileged identities, such as being a man or white, are socialized to believe that all the opportunities we get are a result of individual merit. This is the fuel with which the oppression monster feeds itself, and it is something that we feminists — especially those of us who are white feminists — must unlearn to truly combat oppression.

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I started censoring myself in the seventh grade. Kids in my class made fun of me for using “big words” and getting too many trivia questions right, so I stopped. Being “too smart” can lead to teasing for any kid, but certain demographics get unique torment. Young girls certainly have their own set of obstacles. Here are five examples of how girls are taught to avoid “smart.”

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Being an ally is difficult, especially as a heterosexual cis male. The pressures of (traditional notions of) masculinity and a lifetime of systematic patriarchal training are difficult to overcome. So I have compiled four pieces of advice — based on my own experiences and slip-ups — to help all cis males (myself included) become open feminists and allies.

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Have you ever noticed how violent our language is? Even when we aren’t even talking about anything inherently violent itself? You’ve probably also noticed that that’s a lot of sexual violence. This language might seem unimportant or coincidental, but our language shapes the way we see our world. So how can every one of us work to stop using language derived from sexual violation?

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I have gone from being a big, strong looking Black woman to being a young, lanky Black man. I have always carried with me both masculine and feminine energies, but I have often been forced to choose one over the other depending upon the space around me. The gender binary affects us all in detrimental ways. And while masculinity may seem to offer more room, it also has its limitations. We must make room for all genders to grow and move freely.

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