Dear cis men, there’s plenty of room for you in the feminist movement. But first, you must remember that feminism was created to address the unique oppression that women have historically faced, while acknowledging how overwhelmingly present that oppression still is and the many ways in which you benefit from it. Check out this article for more ally protocols.

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Nearly one million adults in the US identify as transgender. And yet, most people know almost nothing about them. Why do we know so little about transgender people? Because they are systematically silenced on a daily basis. We don’t know them because, frankly, we don’t see them. So let’s confront some of the most common myths about transgender people and change our ways of thinking about them.

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Whiteness is a system that was created for the sole purpose of consolidating power in the hands of a few in the US. And so, we face a choice: continue to invest in white supremacy, which dehumanizes everyone, or stand on the side of justice and regain our humanity. Ask yourself: What are you willing to give? And then check out these four ways to divest from whiteness.

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This author has always supported gender equality – so why are they scared of white women? This is a critical perspective on how white womanhood is weaponized.

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