At one point during this year’s Oscars ceremony, it dawned on me: Many people don’t know the difference between trans women and drag queens! There seems to be an assumption that all people assigned male at birth who grow up to wear clothing from the women’s section identify the same way. That couldn’t be further from the truth. So let’s talk about this difference.

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Misinformation is the enemy of progressive change and social improvement. And unfortunately, there is a LOT of misinformation about gender confirmation surgery. “They need therapy, not surgery!” “I don’t want to pay for that.” “It’s not like it’s life or death.” These ideas aren’t helping anyone. In fact, they’re harmful to many. So let’s clear up a few misconceptions.

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My friend Lauren has been dealing with abdominal pain for the past few months. Around the same time, I got sick. Lauren and I have been talking about all of this — we were stuck on how to give our bodies the rest they need to heal. It’s been hard for us to give our bodies the rest that they need because it’s hard for us to listen to our bodies and accept and respect our bodies’ limits.

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Two cartoon women are holding hands, explaining something to people in shadows

Perpetuating this mainstream coming-out narrative can bring a lot of problems, especially for people who don’t have mainstream privileges. It even hurts people who do. We need to broaden our focus towards resisting the system-wide oppression we all face – and breaking free of a problematic narrative. So let’s unpack some of the harmful myths of this mainstream narrative.

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