As with all other systems of oppression, rape culture is a beast with tentacles and spores across countless other facets of inequality. The following 3 things may not appear to be major components of rape culture at first glance, but undoubtedly fuel and are fueled by it. Dismantling and addressing these things must be part of our movement to end rape culture.

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Recently, California passed the “Yes Means Yes” law, which dictates that “an affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision” must be reached by everyone involved to engage in sexual activity. This was a huge step in the fight against rape culture! What does this decision mean in terms of our society’s view of sex and consent? Check out this video to find out!

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Because our society is dependent on people complacently generating income and labor, folks with mental illnesses are entirely too often neglected, not acknowledged, and not taken seriously. Rather than empathy or advocacy, family members (as well as cultural, economic, and political institutions) assault people with condescending advice and demeaning ridicule.

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Are feminists allowed to like Valentine’s Day? Of course we are. And we’re also allowed to not like it. Valentine’s Day teaches us to show love through consumerism when obligated by a holiday and in only heteronormative and gendered ways. At the same time, it can be fun and satisfying to celebrate the holiday in a way that reclaims celebrating loving relationships for ourselves.

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By the time I reached adolescence, I wanted to be one of the boys. I prided myself, more than anything, on being nothing like a girl. When I look back, rather than being progressive, it was actually quite anti-feminist. It wasn’t as if I had liberated myself from caring what the boys thought of me. On the contrary, my entire life centered on gaining their approval.

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