Teen and “tween” (that difficult, in-between age of 9-12) girls nowadays have it rough. Contrast this with the caveman era that I grew up in, that oh-so-long-ago decade known as the 1990s, in which girls could simply chillax and be themselves…kind of. But before we roll our eyes at the behavior of “kids these days,” we should at least consider how our adolescence was different.

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In my work, I’m regularly asked, “What can I do? I know that injustice exists, but I feel so powerless. I want to help!” Many folks of privilege struggle to figure out how to act for justice. More often than not, those who are denied access, voice, privilege, and justice in dominant culture know exactly what they need to do. So to that point, my answer to their question is always the same: “Listen.”

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There’s been a lot of criticism in feminist and kink communities over the “Fifty Shades of Grey” series – first as novels, and now as movies. And the biggest problem is that what’s being depicted here isn’t really BDSM – it’s intimate partner violence, from stalking behavior to ignoring safe words. Watch this video to learn more about the controversy.

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This article was originally published on Threads of Solidarity and republished here with the author’s permission. The strong, Black woman. The Asian “model minority.” “¡No soy loco!” These tropes, expressions, and labels are often used to demonstrate (and even celebrate) the “resiliency” of people of color. But it’s a trap. These stereotypes may seem empowering,…

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I used to think that street harassment was entrenched in our culture to the point that it was unchangeable. All I could do to address it was to cope – walk fast; avoid eye contact; pretend to be on the phone. But I got tired of feeling powerless. I decided to respond to it and change the culture that allows it to continue. Here are seven ways to make this change.

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“Diet culture” refers to a society that is so inundated with dieting propaganda that it affects how we relate to ourselves and each other. And in case you haven’t noticed, we live in one. Watch vlogger Melissa A. Fabello use food psychology to explain how the restrict-and-binge cycle hurts everyone except the industries that are creating your body dissatisfaction.

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Feminists today are highly concerned with language and its implications. Here at Everyday Feminism, we advise respectful discourse with the aim to uplift and educate one another. We’re aiming to improve your day-to-day lives. But if I’m going to be human and imperfect and slip up every once in a while, I’d at least like to do it in a quasi-feminist way.

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I used to dread the day when I would no longer be attractive to men. And now that I’ve become invisible to so many, it floods me with triumph, every time, that I am finally free of something that I hadn’t recognized as confining. How absurdly, deliciously, triumphantly funny it is that I ever cared. But I am older now, and I can get so much more done this way.

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Person looking at their phone in frustration

It’s a go-to romcom staple: Boy likes girl, but girl doesn’t like him back. The determined boy will then spend the movie trying to convince the girl to give him a chance. And although audiences are supposed to cheer him on, the truth of the matter is that this trope actually portrays stalking behavior. And when we show stalking as romantic, we start blurring lines.

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As a feminist, an activist, a parent of two boys, and a sexual health educator, I struggle with how to balance my sensibilities with my parenting style. And an issue that I am very connected to is rape culture. How does a parent compete with the constant assault of stereotypes and overwhelming sex-negative messaging in the media? Here are a few suggestions.

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Feminism has many important causes, one of which is fostering healthier body image. But some have argued that this cause is not “important enough” to warrant the attention that body image activists demand. If you’ve ever thought of body image activism as a lesser movement in feminism, check out Melissa A. Fabello’s video on the topic. You may learn something.

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