Two teenagers watching TV, looking dissatisfied

When you’re a teenager, your life is all about glamour, adventure, and romance, right? Well, no. But that’s what’s on TV. And while TV’s fictional stories may seem harmless, they can set up unhealthy expectations of how your life is supposed to be. So here’s the real deal – why your reality is valid. How has your teenage experience been different from TV?

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Our society, and in particular our media, often make Asian-American men out to be “not manly enough” and “too feminine” – by virtue of their race. This is not just racist but also patriarchal. But the thing is, Asian-American men are — believe it or not — like other human beings. They’re diverse and complex. So let’s uncover some of the most common lies.

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“Privilege” is a word you’ll hear often in social justice spaces, both offline and online. Some people understand the concept easily. Others – and I was like this – find the concept confusing and need a little more help. If you’re willing to learn about privilege, but you don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! Here are the basics.

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Queer woman of color looking despondent

We’re taught that a “normal” relationship has a cisgender man and a cisgender woman. Same with a “normal” case of intimate partner violence. But reports of LGBTQIA+ intimate partner violence are on the rise. So why is LGBTQIA+ IPV so invisible? Let’s survey the scene, and get some essential guidelines for giving safe and affirming support to LGBTQIA+ IPV survivors.

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“Compassionate conservatism” is the idea that one can simultaneously push marginalization, but doing it in a way that shows care. But usually, this “care” is focused all wrong — like, say, toward fetuses, but not toward accessible childcare. And there’s nothing compassionate about that. It’s harmful, it’s hurtful, and it’s oppressive.

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I’ve talked before about the toxic culture surrounding masculinity and how it hurts men. Today, I want to start the conversation to help dismantle it. One of the best places to start is to talk about sex. Specifically: male virginity and the shame in not having sex. Let’s talk about the problems with the way we think about male virginity and how to fix them.

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