Unless you know queer men or you are one yourself, you probably have no idea just how many queer men struggle with eating disorders, exercise disorders, and/or incredibly negative body image. Fatphobia in gay male spaces is a social phenomenon, and it runs deep. This is a conversation we need to have both as queer activists and as feminists. Here’s why.

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Chivalry refers to all of its historical relevance. It carries the weight of patriarchal male privilege and female subordination dichotomies. And as such, if taken with all of its historical context and breadth of connotation, can be considered to be a part of rape culture. And if you’re not trying to bring up all that jazz, then maybe chivalry simply isn’t the word you’re looking for.

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When women express discomfort with sexism, men in particular jump to the conclusion that they must be man haters to make such a fuss. This seems to be the primary deterrent preventing women from speaking out against sexism. But here’s the thing: Being against sexism is not the same thing as being against men. Let’s debunk five myths about this misconception.

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Many people have no idea what does and does not constitute harassment. Here’s the thing: in our society, men are taught to feel sexually entitled to women. So many men who approach women in public spaces feel they “should” respond positively to their overtures – and then get upset at them when they don’t. Here’s some concrete examples of how this shows up.

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An Asian woman dressed in all white sits on her floor and holds her pregnant belly with one hand

For a country so taken with the idea of “family values,” the United States does a remarkably terrible job at helping people start families. We’re the only industrialized nation that doesn’t have a law guaranteeing that new mothers receive paid maternity leave. And in most workplaces, paternity leave remains unheard of. So what do we need to know, and how can we fix it?

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The upcoming holiday season brings with it new hurdles for those recovering from eating disorders. With all the festivities involving food, not to mention the eating-related commentary, the next several months can be a mine field of triggers. So how can you support your loved ones in eating disorder recovery over the holidays? Vlogger and writer Melissa A. Fabello has some ideas!

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Coming out is never easy but coming out to family members is, for some LGBTQIA+ folk, the hardest part. For many of us, our families are forever. And the thought of not being accepted by them can be terrifying. Check out this video by GayWrites for a wonderful reflection from an accepting grandmother about how to deal when families don’t accept you the way you are.

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Steubenville is a horrific example of the bystander effect. But what if your kid is a bystander to teasing, to name calling, to social ostracizing – behaviors that some refer to as “kids being kids?” Have you addressed that? Are you sure you’ve modeled the proper way not to stand by? Let’s look at some ways parents might inadvertently be supporting bystanders.

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