When someone we love is depressed, we want to spring into action and make it better. Depression is taking them away from us, and our natural reaction is to help them. But depression does not simply go away. Their depression may affect you, but it is important to understand how to help, rather than hinder, their progress. The best thing we can do is support our loved one on their healing journey.

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It’s the holidays, and invariably friends have started to bemoan the expected weight gain. Here’s what I say – Eat when you’re hungry. Stop when you’re full. Don’t reward or punish yourself for eating or not. Stop pouring money into the diet industry whose goal is make us feel insecure. And instead let’s take all that energy and start fixing some sh*t.

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Effective communication is hard. Especially when we’re dealing with a topic as sensitive as our feelings, which we’re often taught simply don’t matter enough to be worthy of attention. It’s not something that we’re taught how to do effectively, and so that can leave us really at a loss for how to go about it. So here are a few things to keep in mind.

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Street harassment is a phenomenon all too familiar to most women, but it’s something they often feel powerless to stop. Kat Lazo addresses male feminist allies as well as the women who encounter street harassment and explains what each can do to fight this pervasive form of misogyny. Watch as she shares her own story of street harassment, and ways she recommends handling similar situations.

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As awareness of gay relationships is rising, there’s one group that often gets ignored: bisexual people. Many people can’t grasp that sexual attraction doesn’t have to be limited to one gender. And this can lead to some internal conflicts for bi folks. In this video, one bisexual activist shares her experiences of not feeling queer enough for the queer community.

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