Exactly two years ago, I sat apprehensively in the reception area of the public health clinic, waiting for my name to be called. I remember looking around the room at the other trans girls sitting nearby. I couldn’t wait to be just like them. Two years and 4,860 pills later, I now realize how little I actually understood back then. Today, I’d like to share ten lessons that I wish I had known.

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When someone is pregnant, their body is often viewed as public property. As a result, many people feel free to make wildly inappropriate comments about everything, from their appearance to their lifestyle choices to their medical decisions. But pregnancy doesn’t negate autonomy! So here are seven examples of common comments and questions that we need to stop saying.

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When women express discomfort with sexism, men in particular jump to the conclusion that they must be man haters to make such a fuss. This seems to be the primary deterrent preventing women from speaking out against sexism. But here’s the thing: Being against sexism is not the same thing as being against men. Let’s debunk five myths about this misconception.

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“Privilege” is a word you’ll hear often in social justice spaces, both offline and online. Some people understand the concept easily. Others – and I was like this – find the concept confusing and need a little more help. If you’re willing to learn about privilege, but you don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! Here are the basics.

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Feminine-presenting person explaining something to someone masculine-presenting

It’s not that the misguided ally is a bad person. We know they don’t want to hurt us. But they do. And until misguided allies learn the error in their ways, the true work of activism and allyship cannot be done. Fortunately, there are a few activist communication hacks for dealing with the misguided allies we’ll all inevitably encounter. Read on for five.

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