In this beautifully written piece, a young biracial woman sets out to write a letter to her father – a white father to a black daughter. And her heartfelt words are what every white parent of children of color should hear: that race matters, that accountability matters, and that it’s up to you to make sure that you are a part of your child’s understanding of race.

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According to the 2010 census, there are 154,000 stay-at-home dads in the U.S. 154,000? That’s not even a lot of people in Delaware. I’m in a minority group because of what I do for a living, and as a result, I face a particular kind of prejudice on a daily basis. That’s right. I’m talking about “Dadscrimination.” From the serious to the semantic, here are just a few of the ways dads get the shaft.

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If you grew up Latinx in the United States, you might have spent your most formative years going to church with your abuelita — not talking openly about sex or relationships with your parents. I was raised in a very Catholic, Mexican-American family. My Catholic school education included lectures by religion teachers about the dangers…

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When Amy arrived at college, she hardly identified as a feminist. Conversely, when Erin arrived at college, she was already a full-fledged feminist activist. Now Amy and Erin are both in college – one conservative and one liberal – and they see the need for some advice on how to be a collegiate feminist activist, regardless of your environment. This article is it.

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Unless you know queer men or you are one yourself, you probably have no idea just how many queer men struggle with eating disorders, exercise disorders, and/or incredibly negative body image. Fatphobia in gay male spaces is a social phenomenon, and it runs deep. This is a conversation we need to have both as queer activists and as feminists. Here’s why.

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Parents talking to their middle schooler

With the way young people today are so wired into the media, it’s no surprise that many parents are looking for advice after discovering their child looking at porn. Here are helpful recommendations for what to say to your middle schooler, what you can stop worrying about, and how you can make this communication as healthy, informative, and comfortable as possible.

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Here’s a lesson for any cause: If we don’t get to the root of the issue, all we’re doing is pulling some individuals to safety while losing others. In combatting sexual violence, we must work to help survivors heal, seek justice, and find the new normal in their life, but that cannot be our only work. We must prevent sexual violence before it happens. But how do we do that? What does it look like?

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