I started watching porn in elementary school and now can’t climax without fantasizing about porn during sex. I feel estranged from my sexuality, like it’s somebody else’s. So I’m trying to reprogram myself — unlearn my socialized porn-inspired sexuality. I want to reclaim my sexual desires and figure out what feels good through honest sensual exploration.

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“Being thin isn’t a privilege!” If you’ve reacted to the term “thin privilege” in this way, perhaps it’s time to examine what thin privilege actually is and why it’s just so hard for people to acknowledge.

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CW: Sexual Assault, Child Sexual Abuse, Violence Against Women Sexual assault is the most underreported crime in the United States, with 63% of sexual assaults never being reported to police. Despite these numbers, Latinx survivors of sexual violence are even less likely to seek out resources after sexual assault than survivors of other racial and…

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