One-in-three adolescents in the United States is a victim of abuse at the hands of an intimate partner. This isn’t just kids being kids. This is people who are coming of age accepting abuse as normal, paving the way for a lifetime of danger. But before we can see a change, we need to see a problem. And because teen dating violence has been so normalized, we really need to start at the basics.

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One of the most difficult parts of discussing privilege is that it can be extremely difficult to recognize your own. If you’re white, you know what we’re talking about. Check out this list of questions that people of color have to ask themselves on a constant basis. And let’s all work together toward creating a society where none of us need to ask these questions again.

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A person sitting in a waiting room has their hand on their head and their tie loosened in frustration and exhaustion

We all know the ways well-meaning white people aren’t intentionally racist, and we get it – it’s tough to feel like part of the problem. But everyone should know these ways that even the most “well-intended” white person can participate in and benefit from racism. Learn what to do after acknowledging your privilege (hint: don’t hate yourself, just be accountable).

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For a lot of people, exercise is a chore. They dread doing it, and if it doesn’t result in the weight loss they were hoping for, it can be even more discouraging. So how can you switch to a more body-positive approach to exercise? In this week’s video headline, Golda Poretsky offers some advice! Watch her explain how to find the right exercise for you, and how to recognize the benefits of it.

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From body size to body hair, society has so much to say about which bodies are acceptable and which are not. Sadly, the people who are supposed to love and affirm us unconditionally sometimes end up being the ones who project those harmful standards onto us the most. Check out this comic to see one way body policing manifest and how to fight back.

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Just how many ways are there to be LGBTQIA+? You can be queer, femme, a unicorn, or a bottom, to name a few. We talk a lot about labels and identity, but what does identity really mean for defining gender and sexuality? The subjects of these beautiful photos, from Sarah Deragon’s The Identity Project, might blow you away as they embody their answers.

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Latina characters in our media tend to follow a similar pattern of sexualization and exotification, and this pattern has real consequences for those who view the content. Watch video blogger Kat Lazo describe her experience as a Latina growing up with this media. Kat gives examples of the characters on television that she related to, and explains how their story arcs affected her.

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Three crosses in silhouette against a blue sky.

At 17, I lost my religion. Today, at 27, I want my faith back. I long for a world where we don’t have to choose between our individual freedom and the collective strength provided by our religion. Faith can represent everything good in life — community and shelter and acceptance. Is there a way to push society toward gender equality, without having to lose this?

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I was born with spastic cerebral palsy. I didn’t think in terms like beautiful/ugly. I was sometimes told I looked nice, but I didn’t expect to hear words like “beautiful” or “stunning” associated with my body. Ever. Those words were for able-bodied people. But now I know that there is room for bodies like mine to be gazed at for reasons other than difference.

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