By the time I reached adolescence, I wanted to be one of the boys. I prided myself, more than anything, on being nothing like a girl. When I look back, rather than being progressive, it was actually quite anti-feminist. It wasn’t as if I had liberated myself from caring what the boys thought of me. On the contrary, my entire life centered on gaining their approval.

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Our LGBTQIA+ communities are, in general, less healthy than our heterosexual counterparts and much of that is directly related to discrimination and social stigma. We get the short end in terms of access, utilization, and LGBTQIA+ informed care, and the consequences of the health disparities within our communities are severe. So what can you do to help?

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As a parent, you want to protect your children and shelter them from danger as much as you possibly can. When it comes to media, it’s no different. You teach your children when to cross the street, how to eat, and how to tie their shoes. But what about teaching them to question their surroundings? Media literacy does just that: It questions the media.

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Actress Freida Pinto on a red carpet, surrounded by paparazzi

When an actress steps onto the red carpet, the first question she’s asked is “Who are you wearing?” Why is she reduced to how she looks, and not the achievements that brought her there? Sooner or later, these narrow standards of beauty and value hurt us all. Here’s what you need to know about how, and what you can do to bring this machine to a screeching halt.

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(Trigger Warning: Body Image) According to Glamour, “Fitspo refers to images and words that women post with the purpose of inspiring themselves and others to live a fit, active life.” The problem that we see with fitspo, though, is that it looks too much like a not-so-cleverly-disguised thinspo. And these ideas that our bodies just aren’t good enough the way that they are is still dangerous.

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Person standing at a window, looking out and down, seemingly sad or contemplative

(Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault) There’s no right or wrong way to respond to a sexual assault. But sometimes it’s hard to know what to do next. So here are some things to keep in mind. They’ll help you remember that you know what’s best for yourself, so you get to make your own choices. Read on and treat yourself with the same kindness you would give to others – you deserve nothing less.

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