Pile of "Hello, my name is _____" labels

So, someone in your life has asked to be called by a different name. It can be tough to understand name changes at first and really hard to break the habit. But if you want this person to know that you respect them, it’s extremely important that you respect their name choice. How? Learn all about it with these helpful hints on how to navigate relearning a name.

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As a society, we see adoption as a beneficial process, but there still remains a lack of understanding about adoption and far too many misconceptions about the process. It’s time to raise awareness, debunk longstanding myths, highlight outstanding needs, and give a deserving voice to those whose lives were changed by adoption.

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To learn more, check out: An Infuriating Story of How One Box Makes It So Hard to Find a Job After Prison Gainful Unemployment: 5 Acts of Self-Care While Job Hunting [do_widget id=’text-101′] Ronnie Rene Ritchie is a Contributing Comic Artist for Everyday Feminism, an illustrator, and storyteller working out of Peterborough, Ontario. Since graduating…

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What’s the “white man’s burden?” In short, it’s a lie. This song shows why, and reveals what you might not know about how an idea once used to excuse things like colonization and slavery still shows up when some people dismiss concerns about cultural appropriation. Take in this video and tell us – what do you think we can do to finally shake the white man’s burden?

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The inevitable injustice that accompanies privilege is exacerbated when the privileged don’t acknowledge that they have more social access than others AND that said access comes at the expense of another groups’s well-being. Check out this graphic representation of how one teacher taught the class how to examine their privilege — and how it affects others.

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